Articles 2009-2018 (selection - 105 out of 125)
- 2009: A non-reductionist Ontology for Mathematics - a historical and systematic analysis.pdf
- 2009: A non-reductionist Ontology for Physics - a historical and systematic analysis.pdf
- 2009: An analysis of the meaning of love from the perspective of the philosophy of theology.pdf
- 2009: Calvin and the Intellectual Legacy of the West.pdf
- 2009: Derrida, Dooyeweerd and Habermas on Justice, legal validity and the force of law.pdf
- 2009: Did Darwin get over the first hurdle.pdf
- 2009: Did Darwin get over the second hurdle (the problem of constancy amidst change).pdf
- 2009: Identiteitservaring en die literersosiale.pdf
- 2009: Social space - Philosophical reflections.pdf
- 2009: The (social) construction of the world - at the crossroads of Christianity and Humanism.pdf
- 2010: A perspective on (neo-)Darwinism.pdf
- 2010: Do we really comprehend Time.pdf
- 2010: God in Himself and God as revealed to us - the impact of the substance concept.pdf
- 2010: Metaphor the intertwinement of thought and language.pdf
- 2010: Visual Communication - A Trascendental-Empirical Perspective.pdf
- 2011: (Oor)aftelbaarheid.pdf
- 2011: Bernays Dooyeweerd and Godel.pdf
- 2011: Christian Philosophy and Maths.pdf
- 2011: Defining mathematics.pdf
- 2011: Normativity I - The Dialectical Legacy.pdf
- 2011: Normativity II - Towards an Integral Perspective.pdf
- 2011: Ooraftelbaarheid.pdf
- 2011: Relasiebegrippe - het Einstein in die eerste plek n relatiwiteitsteorie ontwikkel.pdf
- 2011: The perennial question concerning metaphysical categories.pdf
- 2011: Wysgerige perspektiewe op die uniekheid van getal.pdf
- 2012: A history of attempts to delimit (state) law.pdf
- 2012: A non-reductionist perspective on animals and humans.pdf
- 2012: Articulating Commitments.pdf
- 2012: Attempts to Delimit State-Law.pdf
- 2012: Democracy and equity the idea of the just state.pdf
- 2012: Die moontlikheidsvoorwaardes van metafoorgebruik.pdf
- 2012: Metaphysics and a Non Reductionist Ontology.pdf
- 2012: Reifying things or relations - substantialism versus functionalism.pdf
- 2012: The dialectical unity of Greek Philosophy.pdf
- 2012: The typical functioning of humans within the physical and biotic aspects.pdf
- 2012: Weideman Appreciating the uniqueness of language and scholarly disciplines.pdf
- 2012: n Goue Draad deur die Geskiedenis van die Wiskunde.pdf
- 2013: (Ir)rationalism - At the cross-roads of historical and systematic reflection.pdf
- 2013: Die tradisie van die Kosmonomiese Filosofie aan die UVS.pdf
- 2013: Einstein - op die kruispunt van op die kruispunt van apriori en ervaring.pdf
- 2013: Societal spheres and human freedom - the principle of sphere-sovereignty.pdf
- 2013: Sphere sovereignty, solidarity and subsidiarity.pdf
- 2013: The Central Commandment of Love in .pdf
- 2013: The viability of Kuyper_s Idea of Christian Scholarship.pdf
- 2013: Two remarkable contributions of Aristotle to the intellectual legacy of the West.pdf
- 2013: Understanding the Linguistic Turn and the Quest for Meaning.pdf
- 2013: World view, philosophy, and the teaching of arithmetic.pdf
- 2014: A new conception of the state in the legal and political philosophy of Dooyeweerd.pdf
- 2014: Dooyeweerd_s legal and political philosophy A response to the challenge of historicism.pdf
- 2014: Factual states of affairs - uniting diverging orientations and setting them apart.pdf
- 2014: Genesis of a new conception of the state in the political philosophy of Dooyeweerd.pdf
- 2014: Hylozoism and Hylomorphism - a lasting legacy of Greek philosophy.pdf
- 2014: Hypothetical Contract Theories.pdf
- 2014: Introducing Christian Philosophy.pdf
- 2014: Soul and Body transcending the dialectical legacy with an integral biblical view.pdf
- 2014: Systematic considerations within the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea.pdf
- 2014: The Place of the State in a differentiated society.pdf
- 2014: Time and Communication.pdf
- 2014: What is a Line.pdf
- 2014: n Wysgerig-estetiese verbindingslyn - Bilderdijk_ Dooyeweerd en Malherbe.pdf
- 2015: A philosophical approach to Law and Religion - Background considerations.pdf
- 2015: A philosophical approach to Law and Religion - the context of human society.pdf
- 2015: Between Postmodernism, Positivism and (New) Atheism.pdf
- 2015: Communicating Paradigmatic Intellectual Orientations.pdf
- 2015: Die nuwe bedreiging van samelewingsvryhede - Terugkeer tot Christen-vervolging.pdf
- 2015: Differensiasie die basis van samelewingsvryhede.pdf
- 2015: Dooyeweerd_s philosophy entails no support for Apartheid whatsoever.pdf
- 2015: Intelligent Design - A Descendant of Vitalism.pdf
- 2015: Primitive terms and the limits of conceptual understanding.pdf
- 2015: The background of the Gernab Staatslehre in the light of the type law of the state.pdf
- 2015: The idea of a Just State - Rechtsstaat.pdf
- 2015: The new threat to societal freedoms - A return to persecuting Christians.pdf
- 2015: Theology and Philosophy - Milbank and Dooyeweerd.pdf
- 2016: Boundaries an Interdisciplinary (Hi)Story.pdf
- 2016: Christianity and Mathematics.pdf
- 2016: Die geesteswetenskaplike agtergrond van die natuurwetenskappe.pdf
- 2016: How critical is critical thinking.pdf
- 2016: Information and Communication.pdf
- 2016: Is the idea of creation-order still fruitful.pdf
- 2016: Majority and the Limits of Demcracy.pdf
- 2016: The inner reformation of the sciences - is John Milbank ambiguous.pdf
- 2016: The tension between (methodological) individualism and holism.pdf
- 2017: Begin-Bydrae tot Gesprek.pdf
- 2017: Die Geheel-dele Relasie - Sept 2017.pdf
- 2017: Die wisselende rol van kontinuiteit en diskontinuiteit.pdf
- 2017: Essentialism.pdf
- 2017: Filolsofie en Wiskunde - Diskreetheid Bladsy Een.pdf
- 2017: Four Statements - PONTE.pdf
- 2017: Function laws and type laws.pdf
- 2017: Gemeenskap.pdf
- 2017: Is Infinity arithmetical.pdf
- 2017: Kont en diskont in Fisika en Biologie.pdf
- 2017: Koos Malan - TGW Sept.pdf
- 2017: Staat en samelewing TGW Junie.pdf
- 2018: Contours of the History of Maths.pdf
- 2018: Differences within neo-Darwinism.pdf
- 2018: Fall and Original Sin of Set Theory.pdf
- 2018: Future of creation order 2.pdf
- 2018: Future of creation order I.pdf
- 2018: Impasse of Modern Biological Theories.pdf
- 2018: Infinity Divinity Time and Eternity.pdf
- 2018: Ontstrengeling van vryhede.pdf
- 2018: Space and Time.pdf
- 2018: What is Questions.pdf
- 2018: World Order.pdf
- 2020: l30_DS 2015 on Intelligent Design - A Descendant of Vitalism.pdf