Before 2009 (selection - 50 out of 228)
- 1969: Scholasticism at Odds with Reformational-Christian Thinking.pdf
- 1982: The place and meaning of Kant_s Critique of pure reason - 1781.pdf
- 1984: An Analysis of the Structure of Analysis - The Gegenstand-relation in discussion.pdf
- 1985: Taal en Historiciteit tussen Gelevon en Denken.pdf
- 1991: The Ontolog Ical Status of the Principle of the Excluded Middle.pdf
- 1994: n Wysgerige Perspektief op die 20ste Eeu.pdf
- 1996: Christian Scholarship - the inner reformation of the sciences.pdf
- 1999: Atomism - Holism.pdf
- 2000: Kant and modern physics - the synthetic a priori modal functions and entities.pdf
- 2002: Considerations for assessing the university within a differentiated society.pdf
- 2002: Individual and Society 1.pdf
- 2002: Is it possible to do Theology without Philosophical Presuppositions.pdf
- 2002: The scope and limitations of Von Bertalanffy_s systems.pdf
- 2002: Understanding Gadamer_s thought on rationality, historicity, and linguisticality.pdf
- 2003: Frege_s Attack on Abstraction and Defense of the Applicability of Arithmetic.pdf
- 2003: How Rational is Rationality.pdf
- 2003: Is a Christian Mathematics possible.pdf
- 2004: Church and State - the Ideological Roots of a Category-Mistake.pdf
- 2004: Eat it again for the first time - Identity in a world of change.pdf
- 2004: How Postmodern is Postmodernism.pdf
- 2004: Individual and Society 2.pdf
- 2004: Intellectual Influences upon the Reformational Philosophy of Dooyeweerd.pdf
- 2005: Historical and systematic considerations - relativity and relativism.pdf
- 2005: Politeia - The cultural and philosophical background of the Ancient Greek idea of the State.pdf
- 2006: Appropriating the legacy of Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven.pdf
- 2006: Best Known but least Understood part of Dooyeweerd_s Philosophy.pdf
- 2006: Filosofiese tendense in die geskiedenis van ons verstaan van die fisiese natuur.pdf
- 2006: Individual and Society 3.pdf
- 2006: Infinity and Continuity - The mutuality of multiplicity and wholeness.pdf
- 2006: The Basic Concepts of Sociology involved in System Theory.pdf
- 2006: The Concept of Number - Multiplicity and Succession - Cardinality and Ordinality.pdf
- 2006: The Concept of Number Multiplicity and Succession - between Cardinality and Ordinality.pdf
- 2006: The Rise of the Modern (Idea of the) State.pdf
- 2006: Verfremdung zwischen Begriff und Grenzbegriff.pdf
- 2007: Did Darwin develop a theory of evolution in the biological sense of the word.pdf
- 2007: Die Grenzen der Logik ubersteigen Zum Unterschied zwischen Widerspruch und Antinomie.pdf
- 2007: Individual and Society 4.pdf
- 2007: Law and Individuality.pdf
- 2007: The Transition from Greco-Roman and Medieval to Modern Political Theories.pdf
- 2007: The mixed legacy underlying Rawls_s.pdf
- 2007: The ontic uniqueness and irreducibility of language and communicative actions.pdf
- 2008: Analytical skills.pdf
- 2008: Atomism and holism in the understanding of society and social systems.pdf
- 2008: Basic Structure Final.pdf
- 2008: Intellectual skills serving the expanding horizon of knowledge.pdf
- 2008: Is it meaningful to designate a society as democratic.pdf
- 2008: Scholarly Communication.pdf
- 2008: Tansformasie van die Regstaat.pdf
- 2008: The basic structure of society in the political philosophy of John Rawls.pdf
- 2008: The modal grid underlying Language-learning_ Communication and Translation.pdf